Our student-to-student tutoring service connects you with tutors who are currently working towards their degree. All student tutors have undergone the same rigorous interview process as our fully qualified tutors but are able to offer their tutoring services at a lower cost.
All our student tutors are in university and are well placed to support your child with their studies as they have recently sat the exact exams that your child is preparing for.
Please get in touch to discuss how we can help.
At Manchester Tutors, our goal is to deliver high-quality tutoring at an affordable cost. We strive to provide fair and acceptable remuneration for our tutors, as well as being able to assist our families in finding high-quality tuition at reasonable pricing.
We have student tutors who can help your child whether they are in Key Stage 1 or 2, we even have tutors that work with those youngsters in Early Years. With all teaching degrees students must undergo several placements in schools. This means that you can be sure that the tutor you work with has recent relevant classroom experience.
Secondary school lessons are a key part of our offering. Whether it’s to increase confidence in the classroom or produce good results, our student tutors can help your child with their needs. We offer tutors available for a variety of subjects, including math and science, as well as humanities, music, and the arts.
We understand how challenging the move from GCSE to A-Level may be. We also recognise that A-Level grades can have a significant impact on whether you get an apprenticeship, a job, or a place at university. Our student tutors have very recently sat the same exams that your child is preparing for therefore are well placed to offer that inside knowledge on how to pass them.
We have a tutoring pool of students willing to teach a wide range of courses and levels. We compare your requirements with what they have to offer, then present you with information on all of them. You then have the choice of selecting who you want to study with. If you’re not satisfied, we will offer an alternative tutor.
Our student tutor rates vary between £25 and £35 per hour depending on the subject, location and degree of instruction you require.
Yes! All of our tutors are thoroughly screened before being added to our tutor pool. They are interviewed, their criminal records are checked, and their grades are verified to ensure that they received high marks in the subjects they teach.
We are always looking for new members to join our team. We want to hear from you if you are a student currently enrolled in a UK university and believe you would make an excellent tutor! Joining us is free, and you can start earning immediately. If you meet our requirements, we will add you to our tutor database and send you jobs that match your qualifications. Click here to become a tutor with us.
My 9 year old twins share a tutor, Amanda, who teaches them maths and English for one hour a week. She is a great influence on them, very charming and positive and they get through so much work with her. Really pleased with the progress my twins have achieved with Amanda.
I had some great time with my tutor. Absolutely professional way of teaching and getting people the grades they want Thank you so much Manchester tutors.
I worked for Manchester Tutors 2016 - 2017 and had a very positive experience then. During summer 2020 I crossed paths with the company again, and am now thrilled to be working with them once more. The team are very professional, providing both excellent support and rewarding opportunities for tutors. I am always impressed by the efficiency of communications, which also always feel friendly and easy. Thank you Abigail and Romana!
A well as covering the Manchester area, we operate all across the UK. Click here to find a location near you.
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